Is Ragewar worth trying?
The opening cinematic was the best part of the game. It almost felt like the team blew their budget on that but once you got to see the in-game graphics which were pretty poor. Not so good animations and bad graphics makes the game look years old. The screen is all big and chunky to make it appropriate.

Outside of the combat the game does not have much unique to offer. The things are same as most other similar games. Building settlement, creating troops, researching technologies and a decent PVE combat system. The game has a global map where you can locate other players and attack them to get loots.
The game is quite heavy on the pay to win side as expected from all the online strategy browser games having PVP combat. The game is hard for F2P players and also it takes a lot of time to progress in the game if you are F2P as opposed to a non F2P player who can basically reach high levels in a single sitting.

To me it feels like, for the most part, Fury Studio have managed to get rid of a lot of the tedious automated content that a lot of other strategies use. The combat is definitely strategic with players able to choose their army composition as different units benefit in different ways. Aside from the rather poor graphics I would say that given that it’s cross-platform it is kind of an ok game.
To conclude, there are a lot of better games out there if you want to put your money in the game. I do not recommend this game at all as there are lots of new strategy games out there with far more unique management, combat and strategy challenges.