A day of playing roblox
Roblox is a game where you can play different types of games such as adventure and etc. It is one of the best games to play multi games along with playing with friends and family. It allows you to play with different opponents your skill level to make things even more intense so you don’t get bored of noobs. Each game you play the better you get. They even have money called robux which allows you to buy items in the games or create your avatar. Creating your avatar is the best part! You can create any style you like as for example: emo, softie, trolls, ro gangster and etc! There are so many people you will see with the same style they all have different personalities such as emos they all aren’t as violent or toxic they actually can be so friendly. Oh also softies they aren’t so sweet they can really make you feel so bad about yourself but you can always count on a friend to support you or even a random player who just wants to help you out. You know this game can bring make so many memories and it will be hilarious later on I promise you 😉!

This is a picture of me playing today on roblox and it it’s a game called “guess the emoji”! One of my all time favs😍! This game allows you to test your mindset by seeing if you can guess what word the emoji is referring to... It is crazy because you have to guess each word but not as simple as always. You kinda have to guess even beyond say if I gave you a single tree like this one: 🌲 and I put fire by it like this one: 🔥 then it won’t be tree fire nor fire tree... It will be wildfire even though there isn’t a whole community of tress... But still it will test you! The thing about this you can help people or others who are struggling on a level. Oh as usually you can also invite a friend to see if they can guess some of them too! If you eventually play this game I challenge you to play against your friends or family to see who can beat each other... FYI!!! DO NOT TYPE IN CHAT OR YOU WILL SELL OUT THE ANSWERS!!! There is an answer box shown above the hint box so that they won’t show the answers! Hope you play this game😋!

This is proof of this account being mine and last game I played informed to be guess the emoji as I said. One of my all time favorites along with other games like brawl 2🥰! And this is the home screen tells you what few games you lasted played, what your friends played, recommend games, horror games, etc. This game is over the top. This allows you to play multi games to see which game actually is likely your personal favorite. I feel like roblox is a top game because you can also find friends in each server you go in. There are a lot of competition like literally a lot! People won’t spare you just because you are a rookie. Thing is you can still be better then then because the games in roblox actually aren’t as challenging well at least not all... But! There are other things you can experience in roblox such as BADGES!!! Each game you go in you at least receive multiple badges like a badge for joining roblox, a badge for joining your first game, etc. Growing on this game is full of fun just try it!