How To Look Cool On Roblox Without Buying Robux
STEP 1. Not buying and wearing only free event items. Don't wear items that you can only get from events, this is seen as the worst type of a noob. If there is a challenge in an event where you get free items (ex: some eggs in the egg hunts). Some items can make you look ugly or uncool. Remember to think if an item that you have gotten from a challenge looks good or cool. If you do not know if an item looks cool then you can always ask the community of the roblox forums. Many people on the roblox forums have bought roblox and know what is considered cool and ugly. !!!WARNING: Not everybody on the roblox forums is very helpful. Be careful on who you trust!!! This is step 1 on looking cool.

Think about clothes in roblox as clothes in real life. Would you want to look like everybody else in real life, or stand out and be cool? If you have followed everything in this article, then you should have a nice looking outfit. If you would like an example of a completed outfit then, take a look at my friend on roblox, Quizzin64. If you looked at him, you would notice he has a nice t-shirt and looks good altogether, his outfit costed 0 robux currently (Quizzin may change his avatar later, he may also buy roblox later). Just remember, roblox can easily be a free 2 play game.