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In Plain Sight 2 - A Guide to Legendary/Outlawed Thieves

The Legendary and Outlawed thieves are considered to be the most powerful or most useful ones in the game, as they either have enhanced stats or an ability that is deemed excellent.

Scrooge gains 20% more money from all sources. He otherwise plays as a default thief, so he still has the smoke-bomb ability. This should be kept in mind for the cameras as well, as the money a thief is carrying is given to cameras when the thief is downed.

Eek can turn invisible for 10 seconds. This allows her to do anything without a camera noticing at all. This can make the player feel completely safe and perform risky actions. As a camera, you won't notice her. If you see her going invisible, try to fire in the direction you saw her walking, preferably with explosive shots.

Ace can run really fast, but any source of damage will instantly kill him. While he's fast, he should be used with care, as certain cameras such as Trapper and Incinerator can take him out easily. Remember that you also can't move when picking up objects, throwing bags out, or reviving thieves, which makes you vulnerable. That said, cameras should try to catch him doing these actions.

Cyborg can plant a shield that blocks out projectiles. However, it doesn't block damage, as Annihilator can actually damage thieves inside of it with its ability. Cyborg should be used in risky situations or in places that have a high-risk high-reward, such as the bank's vault. If you're not the Annihilator camera, you might as well find another thief. Otherwise, blast the nuke right away!

Mr. Tentacles can speed away temporarily much like Formula Zero, but he's faster than Formula Zero. However, he leaves a trail of ink, which cameras can use to track you down, so keep that in mind when playing as him. With that said, cameras should use the trail to find him.

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Dr. Tanner can drink a potion and permanently make himself bigger, but also gives him 10 hearts. It also turns him green, so he no longer blends in with NPCs. Since that conflicts with the game's gimmick, you might as well not use this at all.

Chase can mark NPCs or fellow thieves and get money in return. He gets 30 cash for NPCs, and 80 for players. Cameras can see the mark through walls and it also makes a sound. Be aware though, as a camera, he could be luring you away, so unless the mark is moving, do not go towards the mark.

Detective James can see cameras through walls, giving him a good note of where they are. You can use this to avoid accidentally walking into a room with a camera, or to know where the Shadow camera is. He otherwise plays like a default thief.

Spring can gain a brief burst of speed while she's in the air, which gives her a way to get out of a situation quickly. Ace's strategies however should also apply to Sprint, as her speed can also get her stuck in small rooms. As a camera, she's no problem if you can aim well.

Dawnstar can create 2 tunnels which thieves can travel between. You should put one tunnel in a spot that would be considered risky to be in, and the other in a safe spot. You can then use these tunnels to get away from cameras if you need to. As a camera, try to note where the tunnels are, and if a thief uses them, go straight to the room where the thief went.

Subzero can force cameras to reload for 3 seconds, and this applies to every camera, even Death Ray and Chaingun. It only lasts for 3 seconds, so it's only useful to get away from cameras. As a camera, try to note where Subzero or other thieves are going if you're forced to reload.

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Executive can set up a meeting which thieves can earn money for. Thieves that attend the meeting get 100 cash while the Executive himself gets 200 cash for every thief that attends. Since this doesn't hinder the camera at all, he can be treated like a default thief whose ability is to bring other thieves towards him.

Mr. V can force cameras to switch locations, making him useful for running away or making a room safe temporarily, especially if your intention is to throw your bag, steal an item, or revive a thief. As a camera, try to remember where you just were and immediately go back there.

Greenhorn can create rocks that can block projectiles much like Cyborg. Cyborg's strategies also apply to Greenhorn, but his "shields" can move. Do note that they don't block shots from all sides, and these shields are actually solid cubes. If your camera can, use explosive shots. No, Laser Pointer can NOT shoot through the rocks. They are solid, and Laser Pointer only shoots through NPCs.

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Author BreadSlicer
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