My thoughts on roblox
First of all I think Roblox is a great game and I have nothing against it bad I was playing assassin and there was a hacker with the username givemeakeyandillgo4 and I found them really annoying but this is a review so I save that for another time.
The games to play are incredibly fun but you might not like some you can also make your own Roblox game for Robux, I haven't encountered any games that I don't like on Roblox I would keep playing them or forget about them now to be honest I haven't played Roblox for about 2 years or more but I'm starting to start playing it again.
In case your wondering You can obviously have friends on Roblox that you can chat with but you can only have a max of 200 but it's not a problem for people who only friend people they know. Now if you start playing it for a while you will get used to it and have less problems with it.I love how you are allowed to make your own clothing and sell them for Robux (Robux is Roblox's currency) so you can but stuff like clothing or accessories. There is also a wide variety of games out there some better some worse but at least they tried. I would totally recommend it to my friends if they don't know about it. They also just added layered clothing which is a cool update.

The Shop
In the shop you can buy multiple things with your Robux to customize your avatar and you can even buy tools to use in games but most games have that disabled so you might not be able to use your tools. Now in order to get Robux you need to but them but they are cheap. Now you can go to the next one this is just to get the words passed the minimum it just stuff about me on Roblox. My username is @9lightning9 you can send me friends request if you want but I probably wont accept. The games I like to play Assassin! and Sword Factory I mean right now im afking on the game so while im typing this so I can upgrade my sword while doing something but I have to keep moving every 20 minutes or else I will be kicked for inactivity.
In Assassin! you are like an assassin so have a target and so you have to eliminate that target but someone is also targeting you. Your weapon is a knife but you get one when you first join. You can open crates using money in the game not robux but you games have a currency that they use in there game you can also use keys to open crates too in order to get knifes. You are also able to craft knifes using other knifes and the knifes have there own rarity.

The Games
I find the games fun and like a mentioned before the games I mostly play are Assassin! and Sword Factory.
The description for Assassin is in the part where you can go to next page it was just to get the words passed the minimum. Now that you know your favorite game/s type them in the chat for others and me to read. Now my thoughts on the games. I love the games on Roblox like survive the disaster or legends of speed they are all really great games and the graphic are really good but servers only hold a certain amount of people which is set by the developer of the game it could be a max of 8 or 16 but its to keep the server from lagging. There are tons of varieties of games like rpg games or tycoons and even adventure games and this is why I love Roblox. You can also go straight to the same server as your friend if you want and you can also choose which server you want to join. I forgot to mention this but you can also make a group chat with certain people if you want but anyway these are my thoughts on Roblox and why I love it so much.