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Rust (B2P)
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How to be good at PVP and tips and tricks.

Rust is a game all about PVP or get thing the way to get good is going on server like combat tags batterfides and just play the game on high pop servers and try play with a friend or friends and watch some pro when the are play that will help you and always try to to go in open fields get cover and rust is a toxic game so if you don't like people swearing at you this is not for you. One of the biggest rule of rust is never trust a naked are you will lose you things. In rust the are thing call helicopter that kill you if you have a gun in your hot bar or you are wearing more than 2 pieces of amor. There are rad town that have loot like the dome it has 4 military create that give you things there are launched site with the create that can get you a ak there is military tunels that have loot and there are lot more.
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.The gun in rust are Assault Rifle the damage is Semi-Automatic Rifle, Bolt Action Rifle, Python Revolver, LR-300, Rocket Launcher ,Revolver, Waterpipe Shotgun, M92, M249 ,Eoka pistol, hunting bow ,crossbow, P250, custom smg, MP5A4 and the thomson are the gun in rust top 3 best guns are ak or assault rife LR-300 and the M249. In rust the best place to be in a fight is on your base or any place that has a upper ground like a hill and always aim for the head.There is melee weapons and throwing weapons too there are Machete,Longsword,Salvaged Sword,Stone Spear,Wooden Spear,mace,Salvaged Cleaver,F1 Grenade and the Beacon Grenade. tools there are stone hatchet, hatchet, pickaxe, hammer
salvaged hammer,stone Pickaxe, salvaged axe, rock, bone club, bone knife that is all the tool that you can get in rust.
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.Rust is not a easy game you need to learn the recoil of every gun you just can't be good when you just pick the game up the ak is the hardest to master but if you master the ak you will best one of the best player. Tip and tricks if you are farming wood or stone and you are playing solo get 3k off it go back to base that is call banking smartly. A good base to start with is a 2x2 it cost 4.8k stone and is good to start with a friend and there are clans that have 10 to 50 people playing with each other if you want to get a lot of loot easter join a clan and if you playing with only with a friend just try not to build near the clan or you will get raided and if want to join a clan and can't find one go to reddit there are tones.Wish you learned something and i wish you will best the best player on the server. :)
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Author matthewelogan
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