Survivng long enough to put your clothes on
So! First things first. You've woken up on a beach with nothing but a rock and a torch, and you're stark naked. What you're going to want to do now is RUN. Often on the beaches you will find nakeds (new players) killing each other with their rocks and harvesting their flesh. There are also clothed players who camp the beaches to kill nakeds and... you guessed it, harvest their flesh.
After you've run, if you see any hemp or food of any kind (not animals) on the way, make sure to pick them up. Now you'll need to find a tree and start hitting it with that fancy rock of yours. Whatever you do, don't lose the rock. Not at least until you have tools. When you hit the tree, you'll see a red cross appear on the trunk, hitting it will yield extra wood, but it's not worth the effort even if you have a hatchet. You can hold ALT to look around while you're chopping which will make it easier to see if anyone is sneaking up on you.

After you've got enough stone, craft a pickaxe. This will increase the resource yield and mining rate of gathering stone and ores. Gather more stone, then craft a hatchet. This will do the same, but for wood.

- Stone Spear
- Hunting Bow
- Burlap Shirt
- Burlap Trousers
- Burlap Headwrap
- Burlap Shoes
Well done! You now have clothes. These will protect you slightly. Make sure you craft arrows to go with the bow. Now that you're pretty well equipped, I'd recommend hunting animals and possibly nakeds depending on your ability. Don't hunt wolves or bears. You will die. Painfully. Once you've killed the animal (or naked) hit them with your pickaxe to harvest them. If you get any human meat, discard it. Eating it will fill your hunger but lower your hydration dramatically. Any skulls you get should be crushed for bone fragments. Hide and animal fat are useful, so save them. Once you have 30 bone fragments, make a bone knife. This has the best flesh harvesting powers in the game and is incredibly useful. Bone fragments can also be used to make arrows and bone armour, which is the best you can get at the beginning at the game. The bone headdress is good, but a helmet made from a wolf's skull is best (can't remember the name). Make sure to cook food before you eat it otherwise you will be poisoned and don't drink seawater. You will die. Painfully.
Remember, before you become incredibly powerful, don't trust anyone. Even if they seem really nice, don't trust them. They're either going to kill you or they are just incredibly naïve. It's also a good idea to put down a sleeping bag to spawn at. Make sure you hide it well otherwise others will destroy it. Do the same for your base.
That's all for now, Bye!
-Written By Fairy Nuff