Is csgo ranking system dead? Is it a fair one or does it needs to contact faceit for a better rankup program?
Csgo is a buy to play game which costs 14.99$, available on steam. This game has lot of history as it is associated with one of the most infamous game of our 20's era, called Counter strike 1.6. Csgo is a very competitive game, where you have to be very good to rank up and that's where my review would be leading towards i.e the rank up system.
The rank up system, honestly in my opinion is not at all perfect, as it has many faults; it doesn't work the same way for everyone, people get match up against smurfers ( High rankers but playing in low rank from different ids) and high rankers and often lose the game but sometimes even though u win 5 games in a streak (performing way well) you won't rank up but all of a sudden you lose a game and boom you are ranked down.. no body knows why and how that happens. We really need a better system valve hello also we need help getting out of cheaters zone which we will be talking about in the next line.

Cheaters are very common in the game as you're going to face them after almost every 2-3 games, it's true but however it's false for many other players who have been playing in normal ranks with good players and with green Trust factor. Now another thing I love about csgo is the trust factor thing, if you're a good player/person you'll be having a green trust factor which separates you from other bad/toxic players and trust me if you're a good person playing this game to relax then you must have a green trust factor. There's also a yellow trust factor which is for people who sometimes loose their control and be toxic or show no sportsman spirit towards the other players and then comes the red trust factor which is a curse factor. The players who are toxic, using cheats, griefing, making their team lose on purpose will be having this trust factor and they will often face cheaters, they might receive a ban from valve, they might receive a permanent auto mute at the start of the game depending on the things they do.

Although my experience with the ranking system is not that good, but the game overall is amazing, I along with million other users love it!! Also I love to buy lots of skins that are available on steam community market or we can unbox the skins via opening cases( which is another fun and lucky part of the game) and I often use those skins to trade up for better ones or even get money for them. Also I enjoy playing csgo on faceit platform where you have a proper anti-cheat system and you know when you're going to rankup or how much elo you need for your rank up, it's all calculated in there so that's how I enjoy this beautiful competitive game!
You can also buy faceit premium, and get to enjoy rewards for particular missions. The faceit premium costs like 8$ per month and I've personally grinded faceit a lot and have gotten many rewards such as steam wallet codes, csgo skins etc etc. This platform brings whole new another picture to the csgo scene as you can even go to professional stage from this platform if you are good enough ofcourse. There are hubs, one of the hub is fpl which invites good players with high potential to play there and many teams do bat an eye on players playing there but well that's a topic for another day I here end my review about csgo.