Traveling and exploring around Second Life
In Second Life, There are many places to discover that are very pleasing to the eye. There are plenty of places to go that offer complimentary free food and touchable objects. one of my favorites is the "junk food" store in SL. Here you have many sweet choices and free items to store in your inventory if you have little to no linden dollars (which I don't). There are plenty of places and stores that cater to those kinds of players such as"flee markets" and free clothes donation stores. I am a very thrifty player in this game. You can stay in the most beautiful sceneries in nature if you so choose to do so. I have also found fashionable wigs and new clothes and shoes in some of the clearance sections of the shops. some of the shops will be willing to let you wear their free wigs and clothes and their samples. this is particularly helpful to the thrifty SL-playing ladies that are interested in some new wear for less. Don't be shy to check out all the malls because they may just be giving away some free samples of their wear.

Being a "homeless" SL player, I often find myself questioning where I will "stay" for the night, or just relax. Luckily there are plenty of tent communities and free places to stay that are designated for "homeless" SL players such as myself. You can even view yourself as an SL nomad. There's something that's very freeing about traveling wherever you want to go in a spare of time. This game takes "solo" travel to a whole other level in the virtual world. I often find myself doing more digital traveling and exploring than socializing. I believe that this is true for some of the more introverted players on the game that are just wishing to find some solitude and peace. A great escape from your daily grind. I find this is a wonderful place to spend some quality time by yourself. This is a wonderful place to just find yourself lost in your own thoughts. Being the SL nomad that I am I also find time to look for any SL jobs that I can obtain. One day I hope to save up enough Linden Dollars to own a beautiful home.

What truly makes Second Life so fascinating to me, is the fact that I can explore the world if I want to, or just stay comfortably in y hometown without having to have any digital currency whatsoever. If you are creative I belive you can find what you need. There are a lot of opportunities for dating, romance, parties, and adult fun. I love going to parties when my favorite DJ is spinning for the night. Sometimes SL has themed parties as well and those are the most entertaining to me. There are many different jobs to choose from and plenty of ways to earn those Linden Dollars if you need them. My dream job is to become a digital clothes designer. The game takes you away as it is quite a beautiful escape, and makes you very adventurous. Don't let certain limitations stop you from having a great time playing the game. you can make plenty of friends and explore places that you've never seen before. So if you're into ASMR, relaxing traveling, and socializing, then you should definitely give this game a try.