How to start a minecraft survival world?
If you are new to Minecraft and you have just loaded a new survival world, then you are probably very clueless about what to do next. Today I am going to show you how most start their Minecraft worlds and how you should start yours. Let's start. When you load into the world, the first thing that you should do is collect some wood. Most new players will immediately start digging up the dirt and try to make a house with it. They will try experimenting but that's the worst way to start a new world. The biome that you spawn in will affect what type of wood you find but it doesn't matter. Once you get any kind of wood you can find use it to create a few planks and a few sticks. Now craft yourself a crafting table and using the crafting table craft yourself a wood pickaxe. You can see the recipe for crafting everything on the book icon on the crafting table or your inventory. One pickaxe requires three planks and two sticks. After you craft a pickaxe use the pickaxe to dig under you and collect some cobblestones.

Once you collect some cobblestone use it to craft a few stone pickaxes and a few stone axes. Stone tools don't last long so that's why you will need plenty of them. You will use one of the axes to attack mobs whereas you would use the other to chop wood. Immediately after that go and kill three sheep. You will need the wool to craft a bed and the meat for food. Also, craft a chest and a furnace. dig a few blocks and you will a few coal ores as well. Use the wool from the sheep to craft a bed and then set it as your respawn point. Now if you die you will respawn on top of the bed. Use the coal and sticks to craft torches and cover your surroundings with torches as it will prevent mobs from spawning near you. Put the meat you got after killing the sheep into the furnace and cook it using any kind of fuel like wood or coal. Once it gets dark use the bed to instantly pass the night and avoid mobs. You could make a small house using wood planks but it is not absolutely necessary. You will probably go searching for a village soon. Take all the cooked meat, torches, a few stone pickaxes, lots of dirt blocks, and a few stone axes. Now it's time to go mining. You could either find a cave to go inside or you could just dig straight down from where you are standing. Caves are very dangerous as there are mobs inside but they have a lot of valuable ores inside them. Digging straight down is not very risky but you will have a hard time finding anything valuable.

No matter what, don't go too far from where your bed is as you will have to back and retrieve our loot after respawning. If you die on lava then your loot will be gone. Also, keep in mind that you can only mine iron and lapis ores with stone pickaxes. If you see anything more valuable than that, mark their coordinates so that you can come back with better gear. I will recommend not going to a cave early on. Start digging straight down but don't only mine the block that is below you as you might fall down to lava or a cave accidentally. Mine the block in front of you for as deep as you can and then mine the block below you to the same level as the other block and repeat this till you find iron. Be sure to mine any coal on the way as well. Iron ores are found anywhere between Y:72 to Y:-64. Once you find at least six iron ores smelt them in the furnace and collect the iron ingots. Use the iron ingots to craft an iron pickaxe and axe. As long as you don't have a lot of iron try using the stone tools instead of the iron tools and save the iron tools for when you actually need them. Minecraft is much longer than this but this is almost all you really need to get started. All of this can be done in one session. Well, That's it for today, thank you, and have a good day.