A tasteful review of Soul Calibur
When I got to the registration screen, I was greeted by 2 females that were probably there for fanservice. Still, kudos to the person who thought of putting that there while players register.
Next, I arrived at the character building part. I was a bit surprised to see that there only was a few characters that you could pick, and you can't customize your characters, unlike in Mount and Blade and ARK. Still, Soul Calibur is only just a browser game that runs on Flash, so I shouldn't compare it to actual games on Steam. Anyways, being the complete noob that I was, I did not know what character to pick, so I just picked the one that looked the most badass to me.

While I was still mulling over the UI, I leveled up. WTF?? It appeared that your character could basically go on autopilot, and just go straight to the quests. While I got my head around this concept, I leveled up 2 more times.

Also, although I'm pretty sure that it's just that my computer is really crappy, but my frame rate for Soul Calibur was very low, and it kept freezing and lagging all over the place. However, it does not lag to the point of unplayable. It's basically a minor disturbance. That's all.
In conclusion, this game seemed like it was trying to copy many MMO and RPG games, but because it was on a browser, it just couldn't quite reach the level of those games. Still, I had a fun time playing it, and it was very calming to watch my guy run around killing monsters.