My view on farmerama
Farmerama is an original farming game and its based on a little farm u start with. U can buy crops for free and other buildings are also free. Farmerama was released in 2009 by a company called Bigpoint. Because of the early release of the game it brought a lot of online farmers to the game since they couldnt play anything else. Farmerama was the first of its kind and therefore being a bit popular. Nowadays the game isnt that popular but still has a huge player count. I personally love the game but would play big farm instead. Since the release of the game there has come alot of new features events and alot more. The game is in my opinion pretty good but could be better. I like playing the game because u can make as many acounts as u want and u can have so much fun with the crops. There are alot of things u can do and because of that a lot of people i know have played or is currently active on the site. The site currently has over 1 million people registrated and i think that is pretty low but ok.

There is alot of places u can be on the map like the first farm and so many more. There is even an market place where u can sell and buy items u want. There is missions u can do to get the currency of the game that is gold. U can buy gold with real money but u can also get it by just simply playing the game. U can also get gold buy watching ads. That is in my opinion the easiest way to get gold for free. There is also the day and night lucky wheel but ur not always going to get gold. There is also another currency called country coins that u can use for buying things that arent free and that doesnt cost gold. There is a lot of ways of getting country coins since it isnt that inportant its very easy to get and easy to use. The main thing i use country coins on is the marketplace when i want to make someone happy il buy something i need for an extreme amount of coins. I always do this and everyone should since it would be good for the comunity. I myself have also gotten a huge buy on the market place

Farmerama is a very beginner friendly game and when u start playing the game u get a nice tutorial showing u how to play. So u wont have problems knowing where everything is and how everything works. Farmerama is pretty fun in my opinion but it could be better if they added more farms to play on. Or they made the forum in chat. So u could chat with other players. There is a lot of things to do in Farmerama and i would recommend the game to anyone wanting to play a farming game or a peacful game. There is also nice music playing in the back round and there is a lot of amazing sound effects through out the game. Farmerama has alot of things ready in the future so in my opinion everyone should play. The game is not addicting but it is alot of fun to play. U can play with others not chat in game but u can chat with 3 party talking apps like snapchat discord and many more. Farmerama is fun playing with ur friends and in my experience very good to play with friends family and everyone u know really.