The Best Valorant Tutorial
Here we are once again. Valorant is a FPS shooter game. Once you open the game, it spawns you at the range. There you need to learn the controls and the aim. It may be hard for new people, because it has precise gunplay and accuracy. When you kill some bots at the range, you need to go to the buy menu (press B) and buy vandal or a phantom and try to hit some headshots to train your aim and spray. In the Range there are some easter eggs. Those Easter Eggs help us to predict what agent is coming to the valorant in the future. There is even a obby or parkour that help you to practice jumping and bunny hop. In the range there is a teleporter that sends you to a training area to practice retaking a site being a defender and entering a site and protect the bomb. But to retake a site or plant a bomb you need to kill some bots. The bots can be easy, medium or even hard. I suggest training in the range with hard bots, because it helps your aim. The bomb is called Spike. The defenders have 40 seconds to defuse the spike, but if they don't, the spike explodes and the round ends.

Every Valorant player debates about which gun is better, Vandal or Phantom. Vandal is used for players who has a good aim and hit headshots easily even from a 100 meter distance. Phantom is used for new players that don't have a good aim and spray control. The Phantom’s fast fire rate and five extra bullets add up to a great deal of damage. It might not be the best gun for tapping but spraying is an entirely different story. It’s easy to control, and its spray is much more consistent than the Vandal. The Phantom’s lack of bullet tracers also gives it an advantage. It easily wins out when spraying through smokes or when running and gunning. The Vandal struggles with its erratic spray control and is inconsistent in close-range skirmishes. But a well-timed tap to the head will still average a kill. In terms of stats, the Vandal edges slightly over the Phantom. Its one-shot, one-kill potential means it’s a reliable gun when tapping. In a long corridor or on an open site, the Vandal will almost certainly be the better choice when it comes to rifles.

Now, this is the most important lesson. Valorant agents have abilities. Each agent has different abilities than the other. There are 4 types of agents. We have: Duelist, Smoker, Initiator and Sentinel.
Duelists are the agents that usually top frags in the leaderboard and enters a site. They have special abilities that makes entering a site easier.
Smokers are the agents that are very good in defending and in the attacking at the same time. In defending a smoker can smoke the entry of a site to block the enemies. In attacking smokers can smoke certain angles to make the entry of a site easier.
Initiator are the agents that helps the team to understand where the enemies are by using their abilities.
And the last but not least we have Sentinels. Sentinels are the best agents to prevent people from flanking. they have tripwires, robots and etc. In defending they can use those abilities to not let the enemy enter the site.