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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (B2P)
5.0 1 639 0

My Wonderful Review for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

This is an absolutely amazing game with great graphics that is going on for its eighth year of existence. I have had many great experiences throughout the games existence all the way from operation chimera. I will also continue to play this wonderful game through its ups and downs whether it be playing through cheater games or just vibing with some friends. These times will be me enjoying both casual game modes and ranked as well because siege has everything to offer. This could be you playing for your rank in competitive games or just playing for fun in unranked or casual. They even has some community leagues in the game through things like faceit. That being said I would recommend this game to anyone with an open mind that is trying to find a new game to play and doesn't mind something that has been out for some time.

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Some of the many things that I have accomplished with this game is hitting the rank of platinum. This happened to me while I was casually playing ranked while talking with some friends over discord and then all of a sudden I seen a new rank emerge on my screen that I had never hit in my career yet but there it was after a total of fifteen games in the season I had achieved something that I had never before. This had surprised me because in my total of almost 2,000 hours in the game I had never once made it past the rank of gold one into plat so I was both surprised to say the least while also being extremely excited to have the chance to play in a new ranks experience.

By playing this game you can get 100 Play

There are many people in the community that will say that the game has had a falling out and I do believe that this is true in certain aspects but as a whole I believe the premise of the game is still there. This going forward will be what the game is defined by and there are always ways to adapt to the changes whether we like them as a community or not. This does not change the look of the game for some but it may for other be the reason that they may play less or even choose to move to other games but many of us are extremely dedicated to the game and will continue to play it no matter what happens throughout its creation until it is no longer playable completely.

5.0 (1)
Author Lazr-Raids
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