Tomadachi life 3ds review
Tomadachi life is a game for the 3Ds based off the mii system. It is somewhat a sandbox game that could be compared to animal crossing in its customisation abilities. You can have a large amount of miis or “islanders” each with customizable looks, height, speech, personality, and more. You also can make them feel at home by giving them different rooms, clothes, foods, hats etc. These they then respond to different depending on their personality. They also interact with one another making friends and lovers some even having children; and possibly breaking up or divorcing. There is also the fact that there are a lot of mechanics that change based on the time of day you log into the game. These can give you items cheaper than usual or just be entertaining features. Some however are not on a time constraint meaning you can enjoy them at any time. Today I will be reviewing the game in its entirety and everything from its core gameplay to its mechanics and what I feel it does well and what may need retouching.

One of the game’s best assets is its previously mentioned customizations. The places you can visit are all uniquely designed with simple yet comforting background tracks. You also can see when your islanders are up to something in these areas and can view them. You also have mini games in certain areas where you can ask the islanders questions and they can answer accordingly. Furthermore you also have many more mechanics to see different sides of your islanders thank to the level up system where you can give them songs you can then customize and make them perform in the music hall. You also can give them regular day to day entertainment such as a treadmill or a wii U so they can invite their friends over to have fun with them. They also can hang out in other areas of the island besides their homes for example the amusement park or the café. You also can review your own progress by viewing tier lists of the islanders in category’s such as how much you have spent on them all the way to which islanders are the most romantically attractive to the opposite sex. However this game does not have an option for the same sex to date one another so if you are a part of the LGBT+ community this sadly does not include romance for you.

Besides the lack of representation for LGBT members one other issues this game struggles with is the sadness mechanic. It can take a lot of in game money and gifts to make them not upset and it will not naturally decrease over time. Unless you have a bunch of travel tickets stocked up from gameplay you will have to use quite a lot of money for no reward. However besides these issues it is a solid game that is refreshing as there is always something new weather it is a new item, news broadcast or new seasonal items to monthly room specials. You can do a lot to discover all there is to know about your mii and is a simple yet great game for all ages looking for some entertainment with a few giggles. Considering this entire game is based on Miis they manage to make it very interactive which I must respect. While there are better and more developed sandbox styled games out there I wouldn’t completely take this game out of consideration when looking for a basic yet addictive game