Trovians be seen to the worlds
Yes, this is another voxel game. Even the most cursory glance at Trove's voxel-heavy landscapes and characters is enough to determine that it owes some heavy debts to Minecraft, and as with Minecraft, exploration, and crafting lie at the heart of the experience. but its great.

You can dig through these voxels all you want with a mining laser, but no matter how deep you dig you'd be hard-pressed to find a story lurking underneath. Trove kicks off with a cutscene discussing some sort of spat between the sun and the moon, but it drops the concept almost immediately. It's a great game and I love it dearly

However, this game is very hard to understand for beginners - I had a hard time finding my way around and understanding what to do. However, with a few experienced friends on skype, you will quickly get the hang of the game is a little bit flawed, but still, this game remains really fun. It has diverse classes, ok building mechanics and fun weapon forging. The microtransactions are optional so you don't have to worry. Still, it's not perfect and has a lot of problems. But for what it is it's worth playing.The tutorial presented interesting concepts and got me interested. But unfortunately, after that, I made several attempts to play and was always met with server queues of more than 50 minutes to enter. Whatever the game, no matter how good, is not worth waiting an hour to play.