Battle of Massive Multiplayer Online Games of the 20'th Century: Wizard101 Versus FreeRealms - 2009 - 2017: Review + Comparison (Updated & Filled with Accurate Information)
The game was available to download and play free of charge. The PC version was accessed via the Free Realms web site[4] or, through game arcade sites Candy Stand. A version of FreeRealms for Mac was announced at SOE Fan-Faire 2010 for release within the next 3 months,which i found was a bit late.
I still like Wizard101 and i still do hope that FreeRealms return someday.

The fictional universe of the Spiral is divided into several worlds, each of which has multiple areas. Players can unlock these temporarily with "memberships", or unlock each area permanently with the game's premium currency "Crowns". When a wizard first starts the game, he or she will have to choose a school: Ice, Storm, Fire, Death, Life, Myth, and Balance, each complete with their own set of unique spells and playstyles to come along with them.
The game is based around "duels": two teams made up of one to four players or computer enemies who take turns casting spells. Spells can reduce the health of enemy creatures, increase the health of friends, add shields which reduce damage, add blades, traps and buffs which increase damage, and more. When a player reduces a computer enemies' health to zero, they are defeated, while players with a health of zero can be healed by others on their team. When every player or computer on a team has zero health, the other team wins.

FreeRealms was created March 31, 2009. It was first released for PS3. The game was owned by Sony Online Entertainment(S.O.E). S.O.E(Sony Online Entertainment) is is now owned by the company by the name of Daybreak Game Company.
I believe that FreeRealms is better for many reasons. Firstly, because FreeRealms had a wider variety of characters, events, powers, fields, rewards and many other things. As the player progresses, more worlds become available. When wizards level up they gain new badge titles and automatic increases of their base statistics: health, mana and energy. Most equipment also has level restrictions. Hobbies such as training pets, fishing and gardening require energy; while crafting does not requires that, but various resources called "reagents." Duels can be played against other players in the PvP arena.
In conclusion, when it comes to delivering good quality and experiences the winner is.. Freerealms.