One of The Best Older Online Games I’ve Ever Played.
One of the best online games I’ve ever played that is still a recommended experience, is Wizard101. While not boasting an age that other games may have acquired, it still holds up to its own. It's an MMORPG that is bound to satisfy that tickle in your brain you never knew you had. Filled with over two thousand quests to do, houses to unlock and decorate, and so many spells to master; one can surely find something to do. Wizard101 offers a unique experience of its own that no other game has come close to matching. There is always side quests to do along with main story quests. I still haven't finished it! There are quests for fishing, gardening, even taking pictures and acquiring memorabilia within the game. You can have a family plan for the entire family, that way the whole family can have fun together. Wizard101 is still one of the most imaginative games I've ever had fun with. This is a game for children and parents alike, and all ages can enjoy this family friendly game.

Wizard101 still gets updated 15 years after its release. So, new things are always being added. They still add new worlds as well. Wizard101 still even continues to have its yearly events. Events may even give you special boost and sometimes give you the ability to catch special holiday fish! Often times if it's a holiday event, you can find holiday event items such as home décor, clothing, or wands within the Crown shop. It can sometimes be a good way to collect different décor for your houses or acquire a new look for your character. You can even get your friends into Wizard101 and play together, taking on enemies, defeating bosses, and completing dungeons all while your sporting you very own unique look. Show them around your player houses to show off all the décor and other items you have collected throughout the Spiral. Indulge yourself in the proud moment of showing all the fish that you have ever caught. You can earn decorations for your player house by visiting and doing quests in each world.

The Crown shop allows you to buy mounts, pets, home décor, and a whole slue of other items. You can buy Crowns or receive them for free. A way that you can receive Crowns is by going to the Wizard101 website page and doing some trivia quizzes. Get all the answers correct and you can definitely win some Crowns! The amount of Crowns you earn varies on how many answers you've gotten correct on your trivia quiz. Another way you can acquire some Crowns is by buying them from the Wizard101 website. Having Crowns can definitely be helpful to world unlocking for your Wizard101 accounts. Another way that you can unlock worlds is by paying monthly for a membership to Wizard101. While yes, Wizard101 can feel like you're restricted to one area when you start, getting a membership -or acquiring Crowns- can unlock all parts of the Spiral. Membership is only at ten dollars a month, forty dollars for six months, or you can choose to be covered for about eighty dollars for an entire year.