Hello there Bananamaniacs!
We have decided to rebuild our affiliate program so that you have a clear insight into all of the benefits it brings. Are you ready?
Let's start making money!
Each of you has an individually generated reflink which can be found here. You can easily share it with your friends, on your YouTube channel, blogs, gaming webs and many, many more. Feel free to share your link wherever you want! Each user that has registered from your link and becomes an active member of Bananatic will generate you real money! The more people you invite the bigger cash you get! You can check your income in the statistics.
Be aware that the affiliate program will show you the final income which you will be able to withdraw via PayPal. Certainly, if you do not have a PayPal account... do not worry ;) you will not lose your earnings. There will be bananas available in your account (the number of bananas is adequate to your income). You can easily use gathered bananas to purchase digital prizes in our shop.
There are no limits on how much money you can earn. Start being your own boss and promote your reflink!
What are you waiting for? It's time to earn some money!
Always yours,
Bananatic Team