Dear Users,
We have decided to implement some important changes in the Bananapedia section. With that being said there will be specific ranks available:
1) Basic - 100 bananas
2) Premium - 200 bananas
3) Master - 300 bananas
Each user begins their journey with Basic rank. In order to unlock access to writing articles on Bananapedia you have to complete at least 3 registrations (gather 3 badges) and finish 3 tasks. This will allow you to write 10 different articles.
Looking for more?
Complete 5 registrations and 5 tasks to gain limitless access to articles! Please remember to follow all Bananpedia terms ;)
As you may have noticed we also created ranks such as Premium and Master.
Those of you who are still in Basic team will be able to upgrade their rank with their articles! The more and better you write the bigger chances our admins will put you in the elite group. The number of bananas given per article will be doubled. Looking for Premium rank? Write us via support ticket if you think you should receive this rank. Our admins will certainly award those most active, but if you think you could join the team just let us know.
What are Master articles?
Each Premium user will be able to create a special article according to given tips. Those articles never duplicate! A user chooses one, particular topic and has to write it in a specified time. Should you not complete the task (e.g. you run out of time) the topic goes back to exclusive articles list and another user can choose it.
Attention! Suspicious activities like detaining topics will result in banning Bananapedia section.
Remember - you have to create and deliver the article in a specific time frame (verification not included).
Yours always,
Bananatic Team